Remembering Meg
A posthumous showing of Meg Hannan's
Fabric Jewels and Early Paintings
Please click here for show details
& photos of Meg's life and work.
A posthumous showing of Meg Hannan's
Fabric Jewels and Early Paintings
Please click here for show details
& photos of Meg's life and work.
Bodies, Voices & Spirit
Choruses of Women
Registering now for Winter 2025
Wednesdays on Zoom or Thursdays In Hillsborough Outdoors
Your registration fee covers either or both
Choruses of Women
Registering now for Winter 2025
Wednesdays on Zoom or Thursdays In Hillsborough Outdoors
Your registration fee covers either or both
The Heart Loves to Sing
& Singing Opens the Heart
& Singing Opens the Heart
Singing and dancing in celebration of our
love of and kinship with the natural world.
Meeting ourselves in the heart right where we are.
Exploring the true nature we share with all beings.
Chorus singers are relaxed and refreshed
as we turn our awareness towards our hearts.
We find delight, courage and strength
in the community that singing together creates.
Our songs include chants from many spiritual traditions,
traditional songs from around the world, and songs
by chorus director Kathleen and other songwriters.
Our dances are simple circle dances with song, many of
which come from the Dances of Universal Peace repertoire.
We are not a performing chorus.
We sing for the pure joy of being in the music
together. No singing experience is needed.
Whether you're singing your first shy notes,
or experimenting with harmonizing and improvising,
there's always something new to explore.
We invite you to join us in the adventure we call Chorus.
You'll find testimonials from Chorus singers here.
There are Two Options for
Winter 2025 Bodies, Voices & Spirit Chorus
Wednesdays on Zoom or
Thursdays Outdoors in Hillsborough
Full and partial scholarships are available.
Please contact Kathleen if you'd like a scholarship.
Dates and registration details
about both choruses are below...
1. Wednesdays - 7 pm - Zoom Chorus in Your Home
Winter 2025 Bodies, Voices & Spirit Chorus
Wednesdays on Zoom or
Thursdays Outdoors in Hillsborough
Full and partial scholarships are available.
Please contact Kathleen if you'd like a scholarship.
Dates and registration details
about both choruses are below...
1. Wednesdays - 7 pm - Zoom Chorus in Your Home
If you live far away from NC
or live in NC and want to sing from your home
any week for any reason, please join us
via Zoom on Wednesdays, rain or shine
from wherever you are!
Wednesdays on Zoom - 7 pm
Winter Zoom 2025 Dates
January 22, 29
February 5, 12, 19, 26
March 5, 12, 19, 26
April 2
Registration fee for the Winter 2025 session is $130
Donations towards scholarships & pavilion rental
are gratefully accepted. Thank you!
(Your registration covers both Wednesday night Zoom
and Thursday night in Hillsborough outdoors.)
Payments by Venmo, Paypal or Check are all good.
See Payment Options page for details.
If you're new to chorus, feel free to come
at the guest rate of $20 to check out chorus
before you decide whether to sign up for the season.
(And if you sign up for chorus late in the season, your cost will be prorated to reflect the week you begin.)
Scholarships are available
Please contact Kathleen at [email protected]
or call her at 919-695-5032 if you are
interested in a scholarship.
Please contact Kathleen
to get on the email list
for lyrics & zoom link
or with any questions.
Thank you!
More information about chorus,
including testimonials, is at:
2. Thursdays - 6:30 pm -Outdoor Chorus in Hillsborough
Outdoor Chorus meets in Hillsborough, NC at the Farmer's Market Pavilion. We love singing there in fall, winter and spring seasons.
(If the weather is too wintry we will meet on zoom that week!)
It's enlivening and joyful to sing outdoors in all seasons with the moon and stars, birds, crickets and peepers,
and the acoustics under the pavilion are lovely.
Your registration covers both Thursday nights and also Wednesday nights on Zoom. So if the weather prediction ever looks iffy to you, or if you have something else to do on a Thursday, you are always welcome to come to Wednesday Zoom Chorus.
And in fact, you can come every week to both if you want to! Do remember though, Wednesday we meet at 7 pm, and Thursday we meet at 6:30 pm.
Thursdays - 6:30 pm
Outdoors in Hillsborough, NC
at Farmer's Market Pavilion
January 23, 30
February 6, 13, 20. 27
March 6, 13, 20, 27
April 3
Registration fee for the Winter 2025 session is $130
The fee covers either or both Wednesday night Zoom
and Thursday night outdoors in Hillsborough.
Donations towards scholarships and pavilion rental
are gratefully accepted. Thank you!
Payments by Venmo, Paypal or Check are all good.
See Payment Options page for details.
If you're new to chorus, feel free to come your first time
at the guest rate of $20 to check out chorus
before you decide whether to sign up for the season.
(And if you sign up for chorus late in the season,
your cost will be prorated to reflect the week you begin.)
Scholarships are available
Please contact Kathleen at [email protected]
or call her at 919-695-5032 if you are
interested in a scholarship.
Please contact Kathleen
to get on the email list for lyrics
or with any questions. Thank you!
More information about chorus,
including testimonials, is at:
Our Thursday Night Location
The Eno River Farmer's Market Pavilion is very near Weaver Street Market in Hillsborough, right behind the Courthouse.
There is lots of parking behind the courthouse
and right by the pavilion. Here is the address:
144 E Margaret Ln, Hillsborough, NC 27278
We have a key to a bathroom nearby,
and electricity for my piano!
What to Bring
Please bring a chair, drinking water/beverage and plenty of warm
clothing when nights are cool! We don't require masks, and we sing with space between us. But we may some evening sit or sing a little closer for some reason, so please bring a mask in case that happens. And of course, you are welcome to stand or sit at whatever
distance feels right to you at any point and of course
you can wear a mask at any time you like!
More information about chorus, including testimonials, is at:
I hope to see you and sing and dance with you soon!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
919-695-5032 [email protected]
Love, Kathleen
Songs for Our Journey song blog has lots of songs to sing!
Order CD's here.
Information about The Work of Byron Katie is here.
For Climate Rally Chant Lyrics Click Here
Also, if you would like to be on our Justice Sings mailing list
to be notified when we lead singing at rallies
supporting social, environmental
and economic justice please let me know!
Human To Human outdoor song & circle dance meetups
which will happen once in a while.
Indoor Human To Human workshops and retreats
also happen from time to time.
Love, Kathleen ***************************************************************
Songs for Our Journey song blog has lots of songs to sing!
Order CD's here.
Information about The Work of Byron Katie is here.
For Climate Rally Chant Lyrics Click Here
Also, if you would like to be on our Justice Sings mailing list
to be notified when we lead singing at rallies
supporting social, environmental
and economic justice please let me know!
Human To Human outdoor song & circle dance meetups
which will happen once in a while.
Indoor Human To Human workshops and retreats
also happen from time to time.
Love, Kathleen ***************************************************************
These gatherings are open to people of all genders and ages. If you'd like to be on the mailing list for future meetups, you can sign up through the Human to Human website:
In evening workshops and weekend retreats, Kathleen guides groups
in deep listening with our ears, our bodies and our hearts.
Out of that listening arises connected and joyful
community song and dance that is both remembrance
and expression of the truth of our One Heart.
Information about Human to Human workshops and retreats
in deep listening with our ears, our bodies and our hearts.
Out of that listening arises connected and joyful
community song and dance that is both remembrance
and expression of the truth of our One Heart.
Information about Human to Human workshops and retreats

The Work of Byron Katie individual sessions with Kathleen
I invite you to join me in exploring one of the most
profound human questions: "Who would I be without my story?"
When we are caught up in stressful thinking, the Work is a remarkably
effective way to discover whether those thoughts are actually
true for us. As belief in our thoughts lets go, our minds and hearts
automatically open. It's a very sweet way to live.
I am available to do the Work in sessions on the phone,
or in person in my living room in Hillsborough, NC.
I love the Work, and I would love to do the Work with you!
More information about working with Kathleen here.
For information about Byron Katie and The Work,
please visit Byron Katie's website:
The Work of Byron Katie individual sessions with Kathleen
I invite you to join me in exploring one of the most
profound human questions: "Who would I be without my story?"
When we are caught up in stressful thinking, the Work is a remarkably
effective way to discover whether those thoughts are actually
true for us. As belief in our thoughts lets go, our minds and hearts
automatically open. It's a very sweet way to live.
I am available to do the Work in sessions on the phone,
or in person in my living room in Hillsborough, NC.
I love the Work, and I would love to do the Work with you!
More information about working with Kathleen here.
For information about Byron Katie and The Work,
please visit Byron Katie's website:
Justice Sings are friends of all genders who bring singing to the streets in support of environmental, economic and racial justice. We invite you to walk and sing with us! If you'd like to be on the email list for future events, please drop me a note and I'll let you know whether we're carpooling or riding a bus together and where to meet up. And please let me know if there's a rally where you'd like some singing to happen!
12.6.19 Kathleen, Meggan, Miriam and Amy led singing in Durham at the climate strike rally and march. Here we're singing Lean On Me, and discovering that marchers of all ages know and love that song.
9.20.19 Kathleen led singing at the Climate Strike Rally in Belfast Maine

3.24.18 We sang with people at the Durham March For Our Lives Rally
while young people all around the country changed the world.
while young people all around the country changed the world.

4.22.17 Three of us walked and sang with the March for Science in Raleigh. We were joined in singing with lots of different people along the way and I felt energized and empowered to see so many people coming out for science and scientists. Here are Marilyn Grubbs and I that day!
In the fall of 2017 we made up a song at a rally in support of the Standing Rock Sioux and their allies. It's called Wni Wiconi, which means Water is Life in the Lakota Sioux language. I recorded the song later with chorus friends, and made a slide show with photos of the brave people at Standing Rock. Click here to see the video. (Please feel free to sing Wni Wiconi anywhere you go.) Although oil is now flowing in the Dakota Access Pipeline, the fight for tribal sovereignty is strong, and has moved into the courts. You can read about that and find out how you can help on the Lakota People's Law Project website.
Kathleen's Song Blog
Songs for our Journey
I'm excited to have this space to share some songs that I love to sing as I'm walking along.
Some of the recordings are just after I wrote them, some are beloved chants we sing in chorus,
some are recordings of the Chorus singing the songs for the first time, some are tracks from my album.
I'm hoping you might like to sing some of them on your travels too!
Songs for our Journey
I'm excited to have this space to share some songs that I love to sing as I'm walking along.
Some of the recordings are just after I wrote them, some are beloved chants we sing in chorus,
some are recordings of the Chorus singing the songs for the first time, some are tracks from my album.
I'm hoping you might like to sing some of them on your travels too!
Self Inquiry with Kathleen
The Work of Byron Katie & the Enneagram map of personality
are tools for Self discovery that I love sharing with people in individual sessions and in groups.
Read about the possibilities here.
The Work of Byron Katie & the Enneagram map of personality
are tools for Self discovery that I love sharing with people in individual sessions and in groups.
Read about the possibilities here.
Becky Jaine Interviews Kathleen
Becky runs a beautiful on line course called Joyfuel. We had a lovely time speaking about joy in music on the grass at Ayrmount in Hillsborough this past fall. Here's the video link:
Becky runs a beautiful on line course called Joyfuel. We had a lovely time speaking about joy in music on the grass at Ayrmount in Hillsborough this past fall. Here's the video link:
Kathleen on the Radio!
I had a fun time being interviewed by Lee Anne McClymont on her Courage Cocktail Radio show in Carrboro, NC
on WCOM FM. We talked about chorus and we even sang together! You can listen or download the podcast any time here:
Kathleen's interview with Lee Ann McClymont
I had a fun time being interviewed by Lee Anne McClymont on her Courage Cocktail Radio show in Carrboro, NC
on WCOM FM. We talked about chorus and we even sang together! You can listen or download the podcast any time here:
Kathleen's interview with Lee Ann McClymont
Seen & Unseen; Songs from the Light of Midlife CD

Orange County
Arts Commission
Award Winning Album
NC Arts Council
Award Winning Songwriter
Kathleen Hannan
17 Songs from the Heart
Order CDs
"Kathleen makes music that
makes community."
The Independent, Durham, NC
What Folks Say About The Music
“Congratulations! Your CD has been playing all weekend,
and I have been weeping, smiling, laughing, singing,
and loving every bit of it. It sounds so good!
I can hear all of the singers, your voice is front and center, every instrument is clear and and the engineer did an amazing job with the mixing/mastering.
You must feel soooo good about it.”
“ I LOOOOOOOOOVE your CD. It feels like the music penetrates every cell, particle, molecule... of my awareness - and whoooosh, blown away out into the ethers
and into the obsidian mystery. Thank you a gazillion times for the gift of it!
Yowza! All is love - yeah baby!”
"Your music is a wonder. Dang, it's soul food! Thank you!"
"I love Kathleen's music, because there's so much space in it.
People can live in that space."
"I have been listening to your CD in my car,
and I have to keep pulling over to the side of the road as I weep.
Thank you so much for your beautiful music!"
"I have been singing Izumi Shikibu's poem "No Part Left Out" all day.
Kathleen, I love your heart, your voice--our heart, our voice."
Order CDs Here!
The Seen & Unseen CD release concert at Motorco in Durham was a night shimmering with Love which I will always remember. We were a full house of 16 people on the stage and 220 people in the room. The sound of all those beautiful humans singing together was so moving...we felt the reverberations of the music down in every cell of our being.
As Sharon Blessum wrote, "One Heart singing in 200 voices." Thanks to everyone who was there in person, and thanks to those of you who were with us in spirit. I have heard from lots of folks that they are singing the songs along with the CD as they travel down the road and in their homes. My heart is very happy knowing that these songs are living with you.
Lyrics and credits
Order CD's
Photos of the concert and whole project
Information about Bodies, Voices & Spirit Chorus
Information about Dances of Universal Peace in North Carolina
Contact Kathleen
Thanks to the tremendously generous support of 140 individual donors and an Orange County Arts Commission grant, we met our original goal of $11,000! 17 songs were recorded, mixed and mastered, thanks to the great love and commitment of ten musicians and 31 singers in total. Thanks to Jerry Brown at The Rubber Room Studio for a beautiful job from start to finish, both in his excellent technical skills and in his ability to support and connect with every musician and singer on the project. Thanks to my partner, Jude Spacks, whose love, support, humor and deeply creative nature keeps me sane and surprised. Thanks to the Bodies, Voices & Spirit Choristas who have loved, sung and shaped these songs for so many years. Thanks to all of you who came to the CD release concert, where we
collectively rocked the rafters with Love. I feel like the luckiest person in the world, and I am deeply grateful to each of you who helped made this happen.
Thanks to the tremendously generous support of 140 individual donors and an Orange County Arts Commission grant, we met our original goal of $11,000! 17 songs were recorded, mixed and mastered, thanks to the great love and commitment of ten musicians and 31 singers in total. Thanks to Jerry Brown at The Rubber Room Studio for a beautiful job from start to finish, both in his excellent technical skills and in his ability to support and connect with every musician and singer on the project. Thanks to my partner, Jude Spacks, whose love, support, humor and deeply creative nature keeps me sane and surprised. Thanks to the Bodies, Voices & Spirit Choristas who have loved, sung and shaped these songs for so many years. Thanks to all of you who came to the CD release concert, where we
collectively rocked the rafters with Love. I feel like the luckiest person in the world, and I am deeply grateful to each of you who helped made this happen.
Click on image to order CDs
Check out photos of the musicians
and singers in the studio sessions.
and singers in the studio sessions.
I'm feeling amazed and so very grateful for the deep Well
that has created, rehearsed, played, sung, recorded, funded
and supported these songs and this project in hundreds of ways.
What a miracle that collectively we are that ever-flowing water!
Thanks to all of us, the world has 17 more Love songs to sing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Love & Namaste Y'all
that has created, rehearsed, played, sung, recorded, funded
and supported these songs and this project in hundreds of ways.
What a miracle that collectively we are that ever-flowing water!
Thanks to all of us, the world has 17 more Love songs to sing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Love & Namaste Y'all
Where Do These
Being in the Music with you is pure joy in my life.
In Love and Gratitude, Kathleen Hannan
Contact Kathleen
Photo of Kathleen & Marilyn at the Science March is by Dorothy Tom.
Group photo of musicians by Ron Moss.
Photo of dancers is by Val Moura.
Photo of Kathleen is by Amy Kellum.