Sacred Dark / Resilience / Return of Light
Dear Choristas,
Please bring a candle to chorus,
and something to light it with.
Do not light it at the beginning.
We will all light them later on.
And please have these words below with you!
Thank you! Love, K
We have come here tonight
to do something remarkable
to do something revolutionary
to do something beautiful
We have come to take back the night!
Take back the night
Take back the long lazy dream time night
Take back the dark
Take back the beautiful dark waiting soil
Take back the circle
Take back the cycle of death, decay and rebirth
Take back plants rotting and sliding
and changing into rich black earth
Take back the beautiful beautiful beautiful color black
Take back the black satin midnight sky
holding a round silken shining moon
Take back the moon and all her names
Luna, Selene, Grandmother
Mahina, Chang’e, Neesa
Oya, Anahita, iNyanga
Chandra, Mawu, La Lune,
Take back her wisdom, her courage, her power
Take back resting
Take back our bodies sleeping under warm feathers
dreaming, dreaming, dreaming
Take back stillness, and waiting
Take back mystery and healing and true, deep change
Take back the ancient knowledge that all things that grow
seeds, babies and dreams
come out of the dark
Take back the night
Take back the night
Take back the night
Take back the night
Take back the night
Take back the night
Take back the night
(Now turn off all your lights!)
Solstice Song
by Becky Reardon
Deep down in the belly of the night
Dream deep winter dreams
And lie safe in your grandmother's arms
Still as a seed
Still as a seed
Channukah / Solstice
by Linda Hirschorn
play in Eminor capoe up 1 bar to F
Em Em
Turning turning spirits yearning
Em D Em
Reaching for the night
Colors going shadows growing
Em D Em
Darkening the light
Ancient story told
Renewed with the cold
Em D
Mystery of light
C B7
Burned into the night
Sae Will We Yet
by Walter Watson 1780-1854 (last verse modified by KH)
Play in G capoed up 5 bars to C
Sit down here my cronies and give us your crack
Let the wind take the care of this life on its back
G C (Am) D
For our hearts to despondency we never will submit
Fore we’ve aye been provided for, and sae will we yet
And sae will we yet and sae will we yet
For we’ve aye been provided for, and sae will we yet
So fill us a tankard of nappy brown ale
It’ll com-fort our hearts and enliven the tale;
And we’ll aye be the merrier the longer that we sit
For we’ve drank together many’s the time and sae will we yet
Here’s a health to the farmers, and prosper their plows
Rewar-ding their ardent toils all the year through
For the springtime and the harvest we ever will get
For we’ve lippen’d aye to providence, and sae will we yet
So lift up your voices, let the harmonies go round
For the sun it will rise, though the moon has gone down
We’ll all go dancing round and round, and never we’ll forget
When we fell we aye got up again, and sae will we yet
Millenium Grace
words by Stephen Levine
There is a grace approaching
that we shun as much as death,
this grace is the completion of our birth.
It does not come in time,
but in timelessness
when the mind sinks into the heart
and we remember.
It is an insistent grace that draws us to the edge
It is an insistent grace that draws us to the edge
Insistent grace, insistent grace
We know we must pass beyond knowing
We know we must pass beyond knowing
And we fear the shedding.
But we are pulled upward none-the-less
through forgotten ghosts
and unexpected angels, luminous.
Luminous, luminous
And there is nothing left to say
nothing left to say
There is nothing left to say but We are That
And That is what we sing about
That is what we sing about
That is all we ever sing
That’s all we ever sing
Dear Choristas,
Please bring a candle to chorus,
and something to light it with.
Do not light it at the beginning.
We will all light them later on.
And please have these words below with you!
Thank you! Love, K
We have come here tonight
to do something remarkable
to do something revolutionary
to do something beautiful
We have come to take back the night!
Take back the night
Take back the long lazy dream time night
Take back the dark
Take back the beautiful dark waiting soil
Take back the circle
Take back the cycle of death, decay and rebirth
Take back plants rotting and sliding
and changing into rich black earth
Take back the beautiful beautiful beautiful color black
Take back the black satin midnight sky
holding a round silken shining moon
Take back the moon and all her names
Luna, Selene, Grandmother
Mahina, Chang’e, Neesa
Oya, Anahita, iNyanga
Chandra, Mawu, La Lune,
Take back her wisdom, her courage, her power
Take back resting
Take back our bodies sleeping under warm feathers
dreaming, dreaming, dreaming
Take back stillness, and waiting
Take back mystery and healing and true, deep change
Take back the ancient knowledge that all things that grow
seeds, babies and dreams
come out of the dark
Take back the night
Take back the night
Take back the night
Take back the night
Take back the night
Take back the night
Take back the night
(Now turn off all your lights!)
Solstice Song
by Becky Reardon
Deep down in the belly of the night
Dream deep winter dreams
And lie safe in your grandmother's arms
Still as a seed
Still as a seed
Channukah / Solstice
by Linda Hirschorn
play in Eminor capoe up 1 bar to F
Em Em
Turning turning spirits yearning
Em D Em
Reaching for the night
Colors going shadows growing
Em D Em
Darkening the light
Ancient story told
Renewed with the cold
Em D
Mystery of light
C B7
Burned into the night
Sae Will We Yet
by Walter Watson 1780-1854 (last verse modified by KH)
Play in G capoed up 5 bars to C
Sit down here my cronies and give us your crack
Let the wind take the care of this life on its back
G C (Am) D
For our hearts to despondency we never will submit
Fore we’ve aye been provided for, and sae will we yet
And sae will we yet and sae will we yet
For we’ve aye been provided for, and sae will we yet
So fill us a tankard of nappy brown ale
It’ll com-fort our hearts and enliven the tale;
And we’ll aye be the merrier the longer that we sit
For we’ve drank together many’s the time and sae will we yet
Here’s a health to the farmers, and prosper their plows
Rewar-ding their ardent toils all the year through
For the springtime and the harvest we ever will get
For we’ve lippen’d aye to providence, and sae will we yet
So lift up your voices, let the harmonies go round
For the sun it will rise, though the moon has gone down
We’ll all go dancing round and round, and never we’ll forget
When we fell we aye got up again, and sae will we yet
Millenium Grace
words by Stephen Levine
There is a grace approaching
that we shun as much as death,
this grace is the completion of our birth.
It does not come in time,
but in timelessness
when the mind sinks into the heart
and we remember.
It is an insistent grace that draws us to the edge
It is an insistent grace that draws us to the edge
Insistent grace, insistent grace
We know we must pass beyond knowing
We know we must pass beyond knowing
And we fear the shedding.
But we are pulled upward none-the-less
through forgotten ghosts
and unexpected angels, luminous.
Luminous, luminous
And there is nothing left to say
nothing left to say
There is nothing left to say but We are That
And That is what we sing about
That is what we sing about
That is all we ever sing
That’s all we ever sing