© Kathleen Hannan '05
Ever present, unconditional
There is only one kind of love
In the silence, unconditional
There is only one kind of love
One Love, moving through everything
One Love, it's what we're made of
One Love, we are all falling
Falling...........................in Love
© Kathleen Hannan 2000
(We sang this at Judy's memorial with "her" and then again with "him",
for Judy's beloved daughter and son... Leah and Noah).
Did you rock all night?
Did you hold her so close?
Did your heart fall open like a flower?
Did her breath rise sweet in between your breath?
Did you almost remember what the baby knows?
What the baby knows, the baby knows
The baby knows just where the love comes from
What the baby knows, the baby knows
The baby knows just where the love comes from
Did she draw you in to her eyes so deep?
Did she call you back to the beginning?
With no words to say, did she teach you to pray?
Did she light a candle in your temple?
What the baby knows, the baby knows
The baby knows just where the love comes from
What the baby knows, the baby knows
The baby knows just where the love comes from
© Snatam Kaur on her beautiful album called "Grace"
These chants are excerpted from Snatam's song Ong Namo.
As we sing the song we are honoring and surrendering to our own Heart,
which is also the Heart of all beings and of all true teachers.
The words to the third chant mean:
Ong = Om - Sound of the Universe
Namo = I bow to your divine name
Guru = teacher
Dev = divine
O my Beloved
Kindness of the Heart
Breath of Life
I bow to You
And I'm comin' home, and I'm always home
And I'm comin' home, and I'm always home
Ong Namo, Guru Dev, Namo
Ong Namo, Guru Dev, Namo
It's a lot louder than the other recordings above,
so please turn down your volume!!!