brings us closer to knowing who we truly are. I think it's that every one of our senses is so filled with beauty, that, as Rumi says, "The world is too full to talk about." As our minds quiet down, our hearts come through clearer and clearer. When I returned to Durham, I still felt the sound of the sea down in my cells, and this song came through from there. I am so grateful to have the Bodies, Voices & Spirit Choruses to sing with when the songs are first born. This is the Durham Choristas and myself singing it last night.
© K Hannan 2015
My sister the sea, she calls me
She sings "Oh, my Love"
The sound she sings washes through me
She sings, "Oh, oh my Love"
And the colors of the sky and the colors of the sea
Ever changing fill my heart
But there's something inside the sound of the sea
That brings me back before the beginning
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om